Ball Valves

Standard Port or Full Port. WCB steel, cast iron, or 316 Stainless Steel. Davis Valve has the Ball Valve you need.
Flanged Floating Ball Valves
Davis Valve offers floating type flanged end ball valves in 1″ through 12″ 150# and 300# as well as 1″ through 4″ 600#. We keep both full port and standard port in stock in WCB steel and 316 stainless steel. RTFE seats are standard.
We also stock 125# cast iron ball valves 2″ through 10″. These valves have full ports and 304 SS ball and stem.
Every Davis ball valve has an integral ISO 5211 actuator mounting pad, antistatic device, double D blow out proof stem, and locking device. Valves are also available fire safe to API 607 and in compliance to NACE for sour gas service.
Flanged Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves
Davis Valve also stocks a wide range of trunnion mounted ball valves. From 1-1/2″ to 16″ in pressure classes 150#, 300#, 600#, 900#, 1500#, and 2500#. All of out stock valves are full port as well as NACE compliant. We stock both raised face and RTJ end valves. We stock both steel and stainless steel valves.
We also have the ability to quickly produce trunnion mounted ball valves to our customers’ exact specifications. From 1″ all the way up to 36″. From pressure calss 150# to 2500#.
Threaded End Ball Valves
Davis Valve now stocks threaded end ball valves in both WCB steel and 316 stainless steel.
1000 WOG full port sizes 1/4″ to 4″. These valves come standard with RTFE seats.
3000 WOG full port sizes 1/4″ to 2″. These valves have either CTFE or PEEK seats.
6000 WOG full port sizes 1/4″ to 2″. These valves are seal welded and come standard with PEEK seats.
Davis Valve is ISO 9001 2015 Certified.